Contactless Info Resource
Greetings from Nature’s Mountain Playground.
Welcome, this page contains links to electronic brochures, maps etc. to provide you with access to contactless information about Nature’s Mountain Playground along with info on Covid-19 as it relates to travel. We hope you find it helpful.
Thank you for visiting our website and planning your future trip with us. So many of us, from community members, to tourism partners and travelers, call Nature’s Mountain Playground home. Whether you’re rooted here, you pass through, or you vacation here year after year, one thing we all share is this – we love Pocahontas County, West Virginia.

The Pocahontas County CVB knows you’ve been patiently waiting to return to our pristine outdoors, tranquil rivers and peaceful towns, and now more than ever we’re prepared to keep you safer than ever. Nature’s Mountain Playground has and will always be the epitome of outdoor adventure and unscathed natural beauty. Pocahontas County CVB is committed to protecting the safety, health and wellbeing of our visitors, communities and businesses.
As we adjust to life and travel through the duration of the Coronavirus Pandemic, we would like to assure our guests that you are our top priority. As Pocahontas County CVB staff members, community constituents and business owners and employees, we all have a shared responsibility to do our part to keep our communities, friends, patrons and loved ones safe and healthy. If you or someone you are in close contact with are sick or have recently been sick, please stay home. Pocahontas County will be here waiting to greet you when you’re safe and healthy for travel. Public facilities and businesses have implemented CDC and West Virginia guidelines, recommendations and protocols throughout our industry segments to ensure we’re providing quality guest experience while also providing a safe experience for guests, visitors and customers. When you do travel to Pocahontas County, thank you for following the established guidance each business has implemented. On Saturday, November 14th, West Virginia State Governor Jim Justice announced an Executive Order mandating masks be worn in all public spaces and businesses at all times, unless consuming food or drink, or if you have a child under the age of 9 or anyone who cannot remove the mask themselves without assistance.
Please click here for information on specific details regarding Governor Justice’s Executive Order.
The Pocahontas County CVB & our Countywide Tourism Partners are dedicated to keeping our guests, family, friends & community, safe.
We’ve developed the Mountain Culture Safety Pledge to ensure the Pocahontas County CVB, our travelers & our countywide businesses are doing their part to keep Pocahontas County a safe & relaxing, enjoyable, place to visit.
Please click here for the Pocahontas County Mountain Culture Safety Pledge for travelers.
Please click here for the Pocahontas County Mountain Culture Safety Pledge for businesses.

UPDATE on operations in Nature’s Mountain Playground:
Most Pocahontas County businesses and attractions have reopened to the general public, however, do keep in mind many of our countywide businesses are family-owned and operated, and are doing their best to accommodate you during your travels throughout Nature’s Mountain Playground.
Below are important updates to note:
- Snowshoe Mountain Resort is now open Thursdays-Sundays until October 18, please click here for more details on Snowshoe’s summer schedule.
- Mountain Rail Adventures open for scenic train rides in Cass & Durbin, please call ahead for reservations (304)636-9477, or click here for their train schedule.
- Green Bank Observatory is only open for self-guided walking tours, please click here for the GBO statement.
- For information on the Monongahela National Forest, please click here.
For specific information on countywide lodging or dining, please call the Pocahontas County CVB at (800) 336-7009.
Green Bank Observatory
Pearl S. Buck Birthplace
Durbin & Greenbrier Valley Railroad
Greenbrier River Trail
Maps and Brochures
Monongahela Forest
Map and brochure about Highland Scenic Highway
CVB Digital Brochures and More
Mountain Biking Maps:
Ride Snowshoe Highlands maps